March 24, 2018
DETAILS and COMMENTS from 2015 year.
Passport For Fashion “Decades of Fashion” on May 9, 2015 was a huge success. With over 2500 people in attendance it was a SOLD OUT event and we honored Aubrey Harley and the Children’s Miracle Foundation with over 32,000 raised for their Charity.
Quotes from the Show:
L. Prough stated “The best Fashion Show ever, Charlotte Seen created an amazing for all that attended”.
Charlotte Observer stated “Fab, you know Ms. Rita Miles you are changing lives and fulfilling dreams! This is just one testimony, Bravo…”.
Montavious Torrence stated “Oh snap 15 shares and 112 likes you guys are awesome Rob McDowell, Rita Miles, Howard Spikes You guys walk around with the Midas touch (King Midas that is..) You have no choice but to keep going up”.
Charlotte Seen post “Here are the winners from the Charlotte Seen Fashion Show. ..Best Decade [1950 – Robert Craig, Jr.] …Best Hair [1980 Dolce Lusso Salon and Spa] … Best Makeup [1950 – Paul Mitchell School Charlotte] …Best Recyclable Designer [Lisa Gatlin] …Best Model Promoter [Nikolette NIKKI Morales]”
A. Grady stated “Last night fashion show..Charlotte Seen Nailed it!!! Cannot wait til Charlotte Fashion Week”
T. Albaum stated ” That was a brilliant Fashion Event. An absolute beautiful show”.
Yvette Gaboury stated “On Saturday, May 9, 2015 our granddaughter Niki Morales, had the privilege to participate (as a child model) at Charlotte Seen’s Passport For Fashion “Decades of Fashion” show. The venue chosen for this show was the beautiful, new Le Meridien Charlotte Hotel. Since having experience several runway shows in NYC Bryant Park during NYFW amongst many other local NC shows, I was NOT prepared to be impressed. To my surprise…IMPRESSED I was! This show was executed flawlessly! Being exposed to the turn some shows in the fashion industry are taking now a days to accommodate new fads & fashion…it was a breathtaking delight to see that Charlotte Seen was able to pull this off, not just embracing this but do with such class & elegance, without compromising the integrity of what truly is GLAM FAB FASHION!The overall content of the show itself was one to be experienced, as words cannot do it justice! The effort that it must have taken to put on this production seems almost unimaginable. I was provided with the opportunity to work (behind the scenes) & help out with the child models. The accommodations provided for the comfort of ALL models, the execution of Hair & Makeup was so coordinated it could only be described as a well choreographed team effort. THIS I believe set the stage not just for a successful SOLD OUT event, but one that reached above & beyond to be très chic and will be memorable for a long time to come to all who participated & attended! Congradulations – Ms. Rita & Mr. Rob of Charlotteseen (and your team) on a very successful event”!